||Be-Caring-Trustee-Member-Employee-Ownership-Association-EOA||Be-Caring-A-Trustee-Member-of-the-Employee-Ownership-Association||Be-Caring-formerly-CASA-named-in Employee-Ownership-Association-Top-50

Employee Ownership Association welcomes Be Caring as a Trustee Member

Deb Oxley, Chief Executive of the Employee Ownership Association, welcomes Be Caring as a trustee member.

Be Caring is an important member of the Employee Ownership Association (EOA) and we are delighted to support its continued development. Membership of the EOA provides the employee owners of Be Caring with a unique opportunity to connect, network with and learn from other employee owned businesses via events and introductions, as well as contributing their experience and voice to championing this growing and successful sector.

Deb Oxley OBE, CEO – Employee Ownership Association

Be Involved

One of our core values at Be Caring is to “be involved”. This means that our employee owners have a say in how the company is run. Above all we believe that this is what makes Be Caring unique in the social and health-care sector. Furthermore our colleague forum “The Voice” comprises elected members from all our service locations, everyone is represented.

A Social Enterprise

Thankfully we don’t have external shareholders expecting a share of our profits, meaning that profits go back into care. As we’re a social enterprise we prioritise the development and success of our people, customers and communities. Our wonderful people, who provide care to the most vulnerable members of our communities, have the right to succeed. Therefore developing partnerships with the likes of the Employee Ownership Association is vital to ensure we deliver on our promise. So, making a financial profit is not in conflict with our values – it’s what we do with those profits that matters most.

Our membership of the employee ownership association enables us to share good practice and new ideas with like-minded companies who share our values, even though they might not be associated with care delivery at all. This access to diverse sectors enables us to explore opportunities for crossover between sectors and to identify opportunities to diversify or provide care in new ways.

Lance Gardner MBE, Clinical Director and Chair – Be Caring Ltd.

 We’re Proud to Be EOA Trustee Members

Trustee members of the EOA are “leaders in the employee ownership sector some of which are co-founders of the EOA. Our Trustee members make unique contributions to the EOA’s work of helping to grow the Employee Owned sector through advocacy, profile and financial support”.
(Source: EOA)

Sitting at the top table of the EOA puts us in a strong position to develop Be Caring for our colleagues. Understanding how other sectors make their organisations work best for their owners will enable us to give our people more. Ultimately better support and more chance to succeed in our sector.

Sharon Lowrie, CEO – Be Caring Ltd.

Be-Caring-A-Trustee-Member-of-the-Employee-Ownership-AssociationBe-Caring-formerly-CASA-named-in Employee-Ownership-Association-Top-50