Be Caring Annual Review 2019-2020

We are delighted to announce the launch of the Be Caring Annual Review 2020 – a reflection, celebration and insight into life at our employee-owned social enterprise over the last 18 months.

Thinking back to the start of this time period – around Spring 2019 – it seems a million miles away from where we are today, 9 months into a global pandemic. We have rebranded, established strong new values, and grown and improved our services.

This report is not just a corporate document about policy, numbers and facts – of course, those things are important to any business. But it also captures the values and mission of our business. 

Our passionate, incredible people make us who we are, and that’s why you’ll hear voices from every level of our organisation: case studies from our Service Users and our Care Workers, insights from our Service Managers and our Board, and our ambitions and plans for the future from our Senior Management Team. To make this more widely accessible, allow for more interactive content such as videos, and reduce our environmental footprint, we’ve decided on a more digital approach, and have launched our first ever Annual Review website.

This is just the beginning of our story as Be Caring – through building partnerships, using a more co-designed approach, and working collaboratively with our commissioners, we know we can change the social care sector for the better.

We have the ambition to give our workforce access to valuable qualifications, and to campaign for better rights and better pay. We want to continue and develop build new models of care – delivering care packages which really fit the people we care for on a personal, human level.

We’d love for you to find out more about what we’ve been up to over the last 18 months, how we’ve changed for the better, and made our organisation stronger.