Family owned Wakefield hardware firm SelectEquip supports Be Caring with CSR

Family owned Wakefield hardware firm SelectEquip supports Be Caring with CSR

Henry Spence, Owner and Managing Director of SelectEquip offered to supply Be Caring with signage on a no profit basis. The Wakefield firm, also with a head office in Lichfield, worked with us to design a bespoke training aid. Matt Griffin and Marie Jordan of SelectEquip worked swiftly to offer solutions. Following an ideas session the concept, suggested by our trainers, came to life and is now a working training tool based on our core values.

Together with our brand designer SelectEquip have ensured our full signage needs have been met across all branch locations. Most importantly, owner Henry Spence has ensured the prices paid by our employee-owned organisation only cover costs. The family-owned firm has a strong foundation of community and corporate social responsibility CSR.

I do believe that as businesses owners we have a greater responsibility, sometimes the right thing to do is to give something back, we support various charities in many different ways, the opportunity to support the Be Caring team, is something we will take very seriously, and ensure you have the correct support to deliver what you need.

Henry Spence, MD, SelectEquip