The Be Caring colleague engagement sessions.

Be Caring are pleased to share the events of our employee engagement sessions: Coffee & Cake. 

To ensure employee-ownership has real value in our organisation we encourage collaboration at all levels. A great part of being employee-owned is having the opportunity to regularly engage with colleagues.  

Recently we visited our branches to host our Coffee & Cake engagement sessions, so far we have hosted sessions in; Be Caring Newcastle, Liverpool and Manchester. These sessions have been a great way to celebrate our amazing workforce, reward their hard work, and gain valuable feedback. 

Keeping our colleagues safe 

During the sessions we’ve distributed winter safety packs, contents include a rain poncho, reflective arm bands, a panic alarm, a torch, and an assortment of wellbeing resources. The contents of the packs were suggested by colleagues through surveys which received over 500 responses!   

One of our Care Workers shared this feedback: I think the panic alarm and light is a great idea, especially as its coming up to the winter nights and mornings. When meeting the double up driver, it can get a bit scary, so to feel safer I would suggest it 100%! A rain poncho is very much needed in the rain, getting wet is a big problem if it’s raining. Thank you Be Caring. 

Our Be Caring Newcastle colleagues were keen to model the rain ponchos for us all!  

Rewarding our colleagues: The 2022 annual bonus 

We’ve also utilised these sessions to distribute our third consecutive annual bonus. The cost-of-living crisis is impacting all of us, increasing the importance of recognising our work force financially. This year we’ve rewarded 640 colleagues with a £50 gift voucher and up to £200 cash bonus. Colleagues have been collecting these gift vouchers ahead of the festive season. Darren – Be Caring Liverpool’s Service Manager, was more than happy to distribute!  

Speaking on the annual bonus, Chief Exec Sharon Lowrie shared:

“Here at Be Caring we have no investors, 100% of any money that comes in goes straight back into the organisation. Whether it goes towards paying staff members, getting new equipment, or facilitating specific personal training, the money will be used to help the people that need it the most. The growth of the organisation has been remarkable, from two terraced houses just two or three years ago, to now having the facilities that we do.”     

Sharon Lowrie – Chief Exec

Showing we care 

Be Caring to gift blankets to over 850 service users this Christmas.

In addition to our Coffee & Cake celebrations, we have worked alongside colleagues to distribute gifts to our service users. This year every service user will receive a sherpa blanket this festive season. We hope these gifts will help keep our service users warm and comfortable this winter and be a cosy reminder of how much we care. 

We’re excited to continue these sessions next week in our Be Caring Leeds branch.  

If you have the right values and want to join an organisation which rewards their colleagues, please apply here today.